Wednesday 12 June 2013

DAY ONE sort of....

The Bloomsbury Ballroom gives us some special challenges.  Our standard stage set is 8 meters wide and the stage here is only 7 meters wide.  We came down the day before and extended the existing stage for a performance area in front of the screen, the fact that the stage is not a standard hight was a little tricky but we coped.

Tuesday morning the day of the first show we arrived on the bus around 9 am.  We all love stairs so much.....

News that FD wants to sound check at 1430 instead of 1700 has everyone in a little panic, well, maybe a controlled quickening.  It was tight but we were ready just in time - ready enough for the (quiet) sound check.

Showtime and FD is on good form, thr crowd in the palm of his hand, one or two little technical glitches but we got through them.  Theething problems on the first show not to be unexpected.

Well, it's now counting down to the second show here in London a sold out house so another good show is in the making.

Then we have the 3-4 hours strike and go, sleeping on the road a down day tomorrow ready for Canterbury on Friday - see you there.

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